A.K.A. THE HOOCH PIRATES - Rowing and pilaging equipment up and down the Chattahoochee River since 2003

Thursday, November 03, 2005

7 items, 7 days

Items for consideration:

Item #1 - We do not need to load the boat today. See you in Chattanooga.

Item #2 - When we get an idea of when Ree will arrive in Chattanooga (long story), we will call each other about weighing in together.

Item #3 - We need to unload the boat on Sunday. See Item #4.

Item #4 - Can we gather enough people to have practice on Sunday? I'm going to suggest 3:00 PM as a rig/practice time. Everybody comment whether or not you can be there or suggest an alternative practice time.

Item #5 - Practice next week. I'm going to suggest the same practice times next week as we had this week:
-> on-your-own erg/single/ddr/whatever
-> Tuesday, 4:15 PM at ARC
-> Wednesday, 5:00 PM at ARC
Ree is out. Sarah and/or Aimee, can you fill in for these practices? Beth, can you make these? Remember, this is our last week of practices.

Item #6 - we will need to load the trailer again. I will see if I can arrange for us to de-rig & load on Wednesday as we did this week and then have the other team re-rig on Sunday.

Item #7 - Please answer the following question so that I know you read the entire post: Is my heritage Redneck or Hick? Discuss.


Blogger cassi said...

1. good luck in noogie-nooga.

2. good luck weighing in in boogie-noogie.

3 & 4. i can be there on sunday at 3pm to rig & row.

5. practice times tuesday & wednesday look good to me. i will erg at CRC on monday.

6. best to load on wednesday. yes. kick other team in knees. yes.

7. hick. no discussion.

3:16 PM

Blogger shelly said...

getting an early jump on the wine tasing, Cassi?

3:19 PM

Blogger shelly said...

On behalf of Aimee...

#1. Check. See you up there. I'm riding up with Jenny tomorrow evening.

#2. Is everything okay with Ree?? I'm sure you can handle weigh-ins all on your own...

#3. Check. Go to #4

#4. 3pm works just fine for me. I just need to be leaving by 4.30pm or 5pm. Ethan is flying to Vegas and has to be at the airport no later than 6pm, for a 7pm flight.

#5. Monday - Sure...
Tuesday - I won't be able to make it that early
Wednesday - I will do what I can to be there, but no guarantees (I think my boss is in the office all next week, so that makes getting out early a bit more challenging).

#6. Refer to my Wednesday comment above for de-rig. Refer to #4 for re-rig.

#7. I have no clue what the difference is between a Redneck and a Hick. Please enlighten me...


4:52 PM

Blogger shelly said...

In response to Jenny's #5...
How's about Monday at 5 PM
and Thursday at 5 PM - rig on Thursday?

8:42 PM

Blogger Ree said...

1 & 2 - After truckin' from TX to MS, I will catch a ride with Missippi rowers to Chattanooga. I don't know if I'll make weigh-in's though...sorry. I'll phone Shelly as soon as I hit the road from MS (which should be 2 or 3pm) and then it's like a 6 or 7 hour drive.

3 & 4 - I'll be leaving for FL around 3pm Sunday

5 & 6 - I'll be driving home Weds from FL. I can try to be home for 5pm Weds, but I really don't think I'll make that...is that ok?? I'm really sorry about being out of town so much.

7 - Aimee: A redneck is more of a hillbilly, while a hick is more of a bumpkin.

12:19 AM


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