The next adventure for the Hooch Pirates is the
Gay Games! They are being held in Chicago July 15th-22nd. We are planning on racing a four with Shelly, Jenny, Suzanna & Cassi. We're going back to our roots with the original four.
Stay tuned for practice updates and more information.
First practice (for Shelly, Jenny & Cassi) is on
Saturday - June 10th, 2006 at 7am at ARC with Beth Lasher subbing for Suzanna and hopefully a coxswain will join us. We're hoping Suzanna is at least dreaming about rowing so that she's ready to kick some ass in Chicago.
Shelly will be in charge of organizing our weekly rows, so look for more news from her.
In other news... Aimee's getting ready to leave for Henley and then she got her ass in such a pucker she could hardly stand it!! (ha ha. she said it.) Anyways, the draw was posted the other night and it looks like there are 7 boats in her event. They have a bye the first round, so at most will have only two races - semi's and a final. The other boats in our event are St. Joseph's - who just won Dad Vails, and Villanova A & B, who also just took 2nd behind St. Joe's at Dad Vails (although, their JV - assuming that's their B boat - got knocked out in the heat). As well, there is a Dutch boat that is comprised of the Dutch national team. Holy shnikey's!! She thinks they are going to have some tough competition... so keep us updated Aimee. You're gonna kick some ass on the other side of the pond - we can just feel it.
Ree has taken up ultimate again for the summer but is still rowing and will be subbing in the GG4 for our practices. Beth bought a house and disappeared into it. Perhaps we will see her again one day? Then there is Schwegs... lost in Boston somewhere we assume.
arrr, mateys... i'll be seein ya on the water.
- iron maiden